
Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015

Convert EFKA DC1600 motor on Dürkopp Adler class 806 to DC1550

The old Dürkopp Adler pocket setter class 806 was equipped with the EFKA sewing drive DC1600. Since a long time, this motor is not available anymore. To convert the sewing unit to an actual sewing drive, Dürkopp Adler is now offering a conversion kit to assemble the new DC1550/AB386C motor.

The order number of the parts kit is 9800 806010. It contains all necessary parts and the conversion instruction. The sewing drive Efka DC1550/AB386C is not included and can be ordered at Dürkopp Adler with the material No.  9800 130110 R.
Convert Dürkopp Adler pocket setter class 806 with Efka DC1600 sewing motor

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