
Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Vintage technical documents for Adler sewing machines - Part 2

This is the continuation of the publication of some historical technical documentation for Adler industrial sewing machines. Today, I am publishing an overview for hemmers for classes 67, 104, 105, 204, 205, 167, 367, 467, 220, 296, 370, 396, 1296, etc.

Click here for a previous download with  braiding, piping and cording feet and attachment for old Adler sewing machines 
Not all of these parts are still being produced, but in some cases they could be done by a special manufacturing.
The file is pretty large with 7MB, so it could take a while to download it.

All available vintage documentations are listed in the download section of this blog.
Who is searching for specific old or vintage documents can leave a comment here without registration. I will check it and post it if it is available.

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